2009年5月13日 星期三


At the end of the founding concert on Saturday, tears and applause was interlaced. Many audience had no seats but stood to listen to the whole performance. Perhaps, it was the light music to attract their attention, or may be because of this performance - they were moved by our investment.

A senior volunteer said to us, "my Mama passed away last year, I can no longer celebrate with her in Mother's Day." Great sorrow as we heard. Some audience might also have lost their mothers who always kept them in mind.

When the music was played slowly, we presented the carnations, symbol of mothers' love, to all the mothers at this concert. Their delighted smiles, with no doubts, brought us huge happiness of "is more blessed to give than to receive".

It was a fantastic way to take place our first concert.

And we always convinced deeply that there is love in mind, the world will become different.

4 意見:

古墓派 提到...


創聲集藝 提到...


Jia-Qing 提到...

感覺蠻感傷的 請給我們 快樂 的音符 讓大家開心時能忘記痛苦指數 更有意義ㄋ

創聲集藝 提到...
